
Vertical Reality 301 Celebration

Vertical Reality 301 Celebration

Vertical Reality 301


The experiences and insights in Vertical Reality 301 will accelerate your evolution and integration beyond thought, nestling within as permanent potentials. Your world - the world - will never be the same. Come, join David along with his hand picked team, as they guide you through the maze of the full energetic continuum potential of the human body-mind complex. Every aspect of your journey will help free you to experience the moment. New rules will be revealed that will forever expand your consciousness. This process happens as part of a complete reset of body-mind-spirit. It solidifies your permanent energetic evolution and shows you how to integrate your Level III "world" so that home is where you are.

NOTE: You must have completed Vertical Reality 101 and Vertical Reality 201 in order to qualify for Vertical Reality 301.

Some Vertical Reality Level III highlights:

  • Days of pure bliss
  • 100% organic, vegan-vegetarian, kosher, international, live-food cuisine
  • The "Exogate"
  • Angelic messengers
  • Your body - in Dance, Joy, Bliss
  • Three daily vertical meditations
  • Yoga for beginners and advanced participants
  • A new dimension in Verticality revealed
  • New rules revealed
  • Seven days of physical, mental and emotional clearing
  • Pranayama, Dance and Meeting with Nature
  • The ultimate cleansing of your energetic being
  • New Vertical friends and family

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